Saturday, April 01, 2006

Religious Satire

My usual monthly ration of religious satire comes from LarkNews - should be an April issue any day now. However, the April fools issue of the SojoMail newsletter from Sojourners will really give Larknews a run for their money this month.


Gregg Brekke said...

Hey Chuck - thanks for the insightful blog and the reminder link to LarkNews. I was busy with school and forgot how funny the site was. "I Love Cheeses" too...

Rock on!

Chuck said...

Well, the new LarkNews is out, and it's a doozy - I especially like the Iraqi "Garden of Eden" tours and "Youth Pastor Hazings on the Rise". Also check out the new audio version "for Eunichs"...

John said...

you mean lark news isnt real? what will i do next thing you are going to tell me is that the world is flat. welcome to the oh so meaningful blogsphere