Saturday, June 10, 2006

Brangelena Baby Pics

So I havn't posted for a month, and here's what I pick to post on - what gives???

I've just been struck by how "right" it seems for the lucky parents to secure 4 million plus for African charities by taking advantage of the general public's appetite for vicarious living. It's almost Robin Hood-like - a great one-off approach for redistribution of wealth.


Unknown said...

Lol! In that sense I agree. I think I'm still pissed at Brad or ditchiing Jennifer Aniston. But as far as giving to the needy - yeah, that works. Maybe the one good thing that can come of celebrity screw-ups. :)


Chuck said...

Well, I've never been a Jennifer fan, so I didn't get emotionally involved over the mate changing :-)

I do see organizations like The One Campaign allowing celebrities to rally and somewhat redeem themselves from the (I guess inevitable) narcissism that seems to come with the territory.